Frequently asked questions.

Do you do Exams or Competitions?

Currently we only offer competitions for solo, duo or trio students. However, Troupe competitions may be offered later in the year. If you are interested in competitions, please speak to staff.

Do you have Concerts?

Yes, we offer all students the chance to participate in a concert at the end of year. This event is a great way for students to showcase to parents, friends and family, all they have been working on during the year.

although not compulsory, we believe due to the relaxed and fun nature of our concerts, participation is a fantastic way for students to build confidence….not only in dance abilities but in general.

Do parents have to sew costumes?

No……well unless you offer.

Trivical organise costumes for students to perform in any concert or show, and for this we charge a small hire fee.

if you are required to purchase anything, these are normally items that can be found at regular clothing shops (big W, Kmart, Best & Less etc)

What if I miss a lesson?

Make-up lessons are offered to all students who miss a class. However, we do not guarantee that what we have available will suit your schedule.

we do not offer refunds.

How do I enroll?

please email trivical details of your child (name, d.o.b & school grade) and the class you are interested in (day, time & style). once we have confirmed availability, we will arrange a trial lesson and go from there.

we believe trial lessons are a great way for you, your child and trivical staff to confirm a class is suitable for regular enrolment. sometimes depending on previous experience, time of year and confidence levels, we may suggest something a little different.